Exploring Different Types of Rare Diamonds Used in Jewelry

Exploring Different Types of Rare Diamonds Used in Jewelry

Many consumers have been used to the beauty of diamonds for their brilliant and sophisticated look. The traditional white diamond appearance has not faded away; however, if one can find a natural color diamond or a diamond that has been enhanced, it adds a whole new look to any ring or any piece of jewel that is intended for wearing. This article is centered on the Infrequent Diamonds segment in jewelry, the Lab-Cultured Diamonds, and the other types of diamonds that excite collectors.

The Fascination of Rare Diamonds

It has to be noted that special types of diamonds are also referred to as rare and one cannot consider them plain white diamonds. These stones are available in the best of colors, the best of shapes, or the best of clarity, and hence these are much sought after in the jewelry market. They are scarce and elegant which makes them to be costly as they are among the most demanded gems in the market. To find out the rarest diamond based on your own choice and preference, visit the link.

Types of Rare Diamonds

People in the jewelry trade consider colored diamonds as some of the scarcest diamonds in the world because of the various bright and pretty colors that are linked to them. These diamonds according to the color feature that is the degree of hue, and its dispersion are famous among people. Some of the most famous colored diamonds include:

Blue Diamonds

Blue diamond better known as the Hope diamond is very rare and is among the most expensive stones in the world. Their color is generally an effect of the boron.

Pink Diamonds

Some of the most famous demands include pink diamonds, particularly the ones that are mined from the Argyle mine in Australia; pink diamonds are considered to be romantic and feminine. These diamonds may range from very pale pink to a deeper pink color similar to a rose color.

Green Diamonds

Natural green diamonds and there are few of these and the color is due to radiation when they are in the process of formation. Of the most fascinating types, it is possible to point to the Dresden Green.

Yellow Diamonds

Yellow diamonds are known as canary diamonds that are produced by nitrogen. These gemstones are also famous because of their splendid and vivid hue that complements jewelry of various styles.

Red Diamonds

They are considerably rarer than any other colored diamonds and up to date there are very few that are known to exist. For this reason, their color is associated with various forms of atomic structures that are present in the diamond crystal. The Moussaieff Red is another red diamond that is highly popular with people because of the red color that is eye appealing.

Lab-Grown Diamonds by Intou

It is forecasted for Intou to be a perfect company for the future and sustainable luxury; this is why they offer lab-grown diamonds that are as stunning as natural ones. These gems are being grown using procedures that mirror the process by which diamonds are formed in the mantle of the earth and in every sense, chemically, physically, and optically, they are indistinguishable from mined diamonds.

Benefits of Lab-Grown Diamonds


It is also realized that cultured diamonds are way better for the environment as compared to the mined ones. They eliminate the need for large-scale exploration, hence affecting the land and the environment through the destruction and emissions of carbon.

Ethical Sourcing

Therefore, lab-grown diamonds ensure that people are not funding any human rights violation or any other wrongful act in the process of creating the diamonds.


Lab-grown diamonds are cheaper than natural diamonds, thus, enabling one to buy a larger or higher quality diamond in case one is not limited by a huge budget.


Lab-grown diamonds are more homogenized, and they fall well in the category of size, color, and even clarity classification as compared to natural diamonds.

Investing in Rare Diamonds

This work wants to prove that besides being shiny stones that individuals can use as ornaments, there are rare diamonds that can be considered good investments. These are products that are scarce and are mostly of a type that can be possessed and admired for a long time; thus, classified as collectibles. Certification, origin of the diamonds, and trends in the market are some of the few things that have to be looked at when buying these rare diamonds.


Fancy-colored diamonds refer to colored diamonds that are not white which are in limited supply and are more beautiful than the typical white diamonds. Starting from the colored diamond jewels to the socially conscious and ecologically sustainable Intou’s cultured gems these gems still dazzle and provoke. Whether it is an ornament or an investment, rare diamonds remain timeless treasures that remain to be the miracles of the aesthetic appeal of the world and its minds.